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Friendly energy 24/7
without ever hurting
the planet

Proin a faucibus sodales sollicitudin fringilla ultricies penatibus


Benefits to Save Energy

Our Services

We are like farmers chapping down the fence around our house

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Solar power, from the sun, is eco-friendly and sustainable.

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The company’s integrated power plant solution deliver.

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Our mission is to provide the most cost effective, user friendly

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Welcome to Venu Gopal Enterprises

When looking for a solar company in Jaipur, Rajasthan, VG Energies is a top choice. They provide solar solutions for homes, businesses, and factories. VG Energies is known for high-quality solar panel installations and trusted option for solar energy needs in Jaipur, Rajasthan. They also give details on solar panel prices and government subsidies. This helps customers get the most from their investment and cut energy costs. 

Venu Gopal Enterprises pioneers in user friendly solar systems using its advanced modules innovative design and superior quality which has , revolutionized solar products market in the country.

The company’s integrated power plant solution deliver an economically attractive alternative to fossil fueled electricity generation today.

We are like farmers chapping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Nature’s sources of energy – sun, wind and trid. I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we trickle that…. 


Produce Your Own Clean Save
The Environment

Water Treatment

The full form of RO is ‘Reverse Osmosis’.

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Solar Rooftop Plants

It used to generate power during the daytime

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LED Lights

It is portable light fixture composed of an LED lamp

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Solar Water Heater

ETC (Tube) Based Solar Water Heater.

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Solar Powered Pump

Solar pumps are useful where grid electricity

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Power Packs

Solar Panels need sunlight in order to generate power.

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Solar Street Light

Solar panel, battery and LED lamp are all-in-one and waterproof.

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Call us today: +919928254898, +919602241263  or  Email us: [email protected]


Inside Story Of Our Company